Innosenta live skincare – dabas dzīvība rūpēs par jūsu skaistumu

Ja daba spētu pati ražot savu kosmētiku – tā būtu Innosenta.

Unikāls koncepts

Innosenta produkti netiek “uzlaboti” ar mākslīgi radītām piedevām, lai gan pat visstingrākās dabīgās kosmētikas sertifikācijas sistēmas to pieļauj.

Premium kvalitāte

Innosenta produkti ir patīkams pārsteigums pat tiem, kas ikdienā pieraduši pie “luxury” kosmētikas zīmolu lietošanas.

Paliekošs skaistums

Innosenta dzīvā kosmētika harmoniski aktivizē ādas šūnu darbību un harmoniski mijiedarbojas ar tām, lai jūsu skaistums būtu veselīgs un paliekošs.

Kāpēc Innosenta produkti ir vērtīgs atradums un īsts retums dabīgās kosmētikas pasaulē?

Innosenta veido savu produktu pievienoto vērtību atšķirīgi – izmantojot dabas izejvielas to iespējami dabiskākajā formā, saglabājot tām dabas dotās īpašības, nevis cenšoties tās tehnoloģiski “uzlabot”. 

Gadsimtiem cilvēce ir centusies tehnoloģiski uzlabot dabas radīto harmoniju, bet tās uzlabojumu panāktie efekti vienā vietā, vēlāk atklājas cilvēka organismā līdzi nesot defektus kaut kur citur. 

Cilvēks ir dabas sastāvdaļa un arī Innosenta produktiem tādiem būs būt –   tā ir mūsu harmonijas un ilgtspējas atslēga.

purely natural

Testēta un pārbaudīta

Patiesi dabīga

Vienmēr svaiga

Ko par Innosenta dzīvo kosmētiku saka klienti?

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Krēmi ir lieliski! Man ļoti patīk smarža, un to smaržu ik pa laikam vēl sajūtu - ļoti patīkami! Āda liekas, ka pabarota ilgi vēl. Nevis, ka treknumu jūt uz ādas, bet tieši tāda sajūta, ka āda paēdus, labi jūtas, viss vajadzīgais ir virsū. Super man tiešām ļoti patīk!
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Vēlējos pateikt milzīgu pateicību - INNOSENTA krēmiņi dara brīnumus! Milzīgs paldies! Tā sajūta, kad liec uz sejas ir tāda viegluma mīļuma un svaiguma pilna! Sirsnīgā pateicībā par to, ko jūs darāt!
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Nenocietos un līdz ko saņēmu produktus uzreiz tos izmēģināju un uztaisīju jau vakara rituālu sejai! Sēžu tagad laimīga - āda priecīga un pateicīga! Viss ļoti patika!!! Krēmam brīnišķīga un maiga konsistence - viss tā, kā nepieciešams!
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Vislabākās atsauksmes par kosmētiku, tā turpināt!
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Ļoti patīk krēmi, it īpaši to tekstūra!
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Paldies par superīgajiem produktiem! Esmu beidzot atradusi īsto kosmētiku, kādu vēlos izmantot, jo līdz šim kosmētiku nelietoju tikai tāpēc, ka īstu un dabīgu atrast nebija iespējams! Paldies jums milzīgs!
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Jau tikko atverot produktus uzreiz var just, ka viss ir dabīgs un dzīvs, kā jūs par to sakāt! Mana sejas āda lieliski uzņem jūsu kosmētiku, kā arī pašai neizsakāms prieks, ka uz ādas neizmantoju ķīmiskas vielas. Paldies ka esat!

IEspēja iepazīt INNOSENTA

Nenokavē tiešām izdevīgo iepazīšanās piedāvājumu!

Iepazīšanās komplektu iepakojumi

Patiesi labas lietas nemaksā lēti. Lai dotu iespēju iepazīt lieliskos Innosenta produktus, mēs esam sagatavojuši iepazīšanās komplektus par īpašu cenu. Speciāli šim mērķim paredzētos mazos "airless" iepakojumos (5 ml) - tie nodrošina ērtu, drošu un vairākkārtīgu Innosenta produktu lietošanu, gluži kā oriģināliepakojumā.

Sausai, normālai ādai

Mazais komplekts

19,00 EUR

35,00 EUR

Iekļautie produkti (6)

chamomile - calendula - oat colloid

hyaluron - chamomile - calendula

hyaluron - flaxseed - apple extract

tricolour violet - oat colloid - phytosterols

rose - vitamin E - phytosterols

astaksantīns · kliņģerīte · babassu eļļa

Taukainai, normālai ādai

Mazais komplekts

19,00 EUR

39,00 EUR

Iekļautie produkti (6)

chamomile - calendula - oat colloid

rose - neroli - elastin - collagen

hyaluron - flaxseed - apple extract

Green tea - Horsetail extract - Vitamin E

carrot seeds - chamomile - rosehip

Caffeine - Elastin - Collagen

Sausai, normālai ādai

Lielais komplekts

29,00 EUR

63,00 EUR

Iekļautie produkti (10)

chamomile - calendula - oat colloid

hyaluron - chamomile - calendula

hyaluron - flaxseed - apple extract

tricolour violet - oat colloid - phytosterols

carrot seeds - chamomile - rosehip

quinoa proteins - carrot seeds - phytosterols

Caffeine - Elastin - Collagen

rose - vitamin E - phytosterols

hyaluron - collagen

astaksantīns · kliņģerīte · babassu eļļa

Taukainai, normālai ādai

Lielais komplekts

29,00 EUR

63,00 EUR

Iekļautie produkti (10)

chamomile - calendula - oat colloid

rose - neroli - elastin - collagen

hyaluron - flaxseed - apple extract

Green tea - Horsetail extract - Vitamin E

kvinojas proteīni · arbūza ekstrakts · kosas ekstrakts

carrot seeds - chamomile - rosehip

Caffeine - Elastin - Collagen

rose - vitamin E - phytosterols

hyaluron - collagen

šī sviests · greipfrūta ekstrakts · vitamīns E

Pilns INNOSENTA komplekts (testeru iepakojums)

Taukainai, normālai un sausai ādai

35,00 EUR

81,00 EUR

Iekļautie produkti (14)

chamomile - calendula - oat colloid

rose - neroli - elastin - collagen

hyaluron - chamomile - calendula

hyaluron - flaxseed - apple extract

Green tea - Horsetail extract - Vitamin E

tricolour violet - oat colloid - phytosterols

kvinojas proteīni · arbūza ekstrakts · kosas ekstrakts

carrot seeds - chamomile - rosehip

quinoa proteins - carrot seeds - phytosterols

Caffeine - Elastin - Collagen

rose - vitamin E - phytosterols

hyaluron - collagen

šī sviests · greipfrūta ekstrakts · vitamīns E

astaksantīns · kliņģerīte · babassu eļļa

Good to know

Although Innosenta products are designed to interact as harmoniously as possible with human skin cells, and many can be used for a wide range of skin types and conditions, some products are designed to be more suitable for oily skin and others to better care for dry or sensitive skin.

However, as the experience of Innosenta users shows, the actual use of Innosenta products can be broader than just the skin type intended (for example, the bold Innosenta rose balm is also popular with people with oily skin), so we have prepared a great offer so that you can try all Innosenta products, see for yourself their quality and find the one that suits you best.

In short, a real rarity. Living cosmetics are characterised by the fact that all the raw materials used to create them are truly natural.

Innosenta products are not "enhanced" with artificial additives, although even the most stringent natural cosmetics certification schemes allow a certain amount of such substances.

Innosenta Living cosmetics allow skin cells to work actively on their own, creating a longer-lasting, more sustainable effect. Unlike cosmetics with additives, which help to create the desired visual effect but pollute the cells, our products have a harmonious effect on the body and improve skin cell renewal.

Innosenta add value to their products by using natural raw materials in their most natural form, preserving their inherent qualities, rather than trying to transform them technologically. Human beings are part of nature and Innosenta products will have to be.

Due to production characteristics Innosenta cosmetics cost less because our products are freshly made, using only raw materials that have retained their natural structure. Skin cells are able to interact more harmoniously with them.

Unlike "natural cosmetics" with additives, which help create the desired visual effect faster but pollute the cells,   Innosenta Living cosmetics harmoniously activate and interact with skin cells.

It is better at eliminating toxins and free radicals. It improves the skin's protective functions, immunity, and metabolic processes such as elastin and collagen production.

Innosenta Living cosmetics allow skin cells to work actively on their own, creating a longer-lasting, more sustainable effect.

Using Innosenta cosmetics, less product is needed to achieve the desired effect. Our cosmetics can therefore be considered cost-effective in the long term and have a long-lasting effect.

Although the effects of live cosmetics are harmonious, they can also cause allergic reactions in individual cases: as the natural substances activate the physiological processes of the cell, they also activate the elimination of contaminants accumulated in the cell, which can temporarily cause reddening of the skin or other reactions in the body. 

Innosenta The products can be used individually, and the different products can also be used in combination with each other.

Innosenta The product line is designed to interact and complement each other.

If you use any of Innosenta products together with cosmetics from other manufacturers, pay attention to their compatibility.

It's best to cleanse your complexion from the start with gentle Innosenta foam. Then use Innosenta a facial toner to balance the skin's PH level and prepare the complexion for the chosen Innosenta the product (serum, fluid, cream, balm, mask) to be used.

For a more comprehensive and effective effect on the complexion, Innosenta products can be combined with each other.

Serums and fluids are lighter in texture and absorb more quickly into the skin - so apply them first. Then apply your chosen cream or balm.

It's easier to remember - start with the most liquid product.

Most so-called natural, organic and eco cosmetic brands are natural only to the extent that they are required by law or certification systems that allow the use of a certain amount of artificially produced or mineral additives. They are widely used to "enhance" a product - to create a faster-acting effect, a more pleasant texture or scent, or to extend the shelf life of a product.

But such "improvements" usually pollute the body's lymphatic system. Its cells gradually become overloaded as they have to eliminate unwanted chemical elements. Over time, the appearance of the skin deteriorates and people start looking for more and more 'effective' cosmetic products - the 'natural cosmetics' trend is being pushed more and more. It is not Innosenta the road.

Maybe it's worth changing your skincare habits and trying cosmetics that are truly natural? 

Choose a dating kit and click "add to basket". Choose the most convenient way to receive your order and pay easily with online banking. 

Delivery takes 1-3 days.

Free delivery from 35 EUR.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at

Innosenta live skincare – tā ir iespēja ļaut savai ādai kļūt atkal ziedoši dzīvai, svaigai, un dabiskai.

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